Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Social Media Clean-up

It goes without saying that first impressions matter. Your social media represents who you are and you want to be sure that you're representing yourself in the best light possible.
Take a look at some tips to clean up social media to ensure you're recruitment ready:
  1. Change your profile picture to a simple, cute one of only you. Just to be safe, stay away from any pictures of you holding a beverage of any kind.
  2. Put your profiles on private. You can allow your profile picture to be seen, but people who are not your friends cannot view. On Twitter you can set your profile to private too. You have to approve all followers on this setting.
  3. Put uploaded and tagged pictures on private. We all have those friends that tag us in those not so glamorous pictures.
  4. Put only things that show the best you on your information pages. Think of it like your résumé.
  5. It’s probably safe to say that we are Pinterest machines! Take a look at your Pinterest boards. Make sure that none of them are dedicated to something that isn’t appropriate.
  6. Don't post about recruitment during recruitment. This may seem like common sense, but as they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

By rule of thumb, if you wouldn’t want your parents or grandparents to see it, don’t post it.

Google yourself. Would you be proud to see what shows up?  What things have you done to clean up your profile?

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