Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Guest Blog: Greek Programming Board

Hello! My name is Emily Elliott and I am the Director of Special Events for Greek Programming Board. 

Greek Programming Board, also known as GPB, is a board of 11 members from all three councils (CPC, IFC and NPHC). Our purpose is to promote unity among the three governing Greek councils. We achieve this goal through philanthropic, educational and social events for all of the Greek Community.

This past year we hosted philanthropy events open to all Greek students such as serving at the soup kitchen, packing Christmas gifts at Country Santa, and playing with puppies at the local animal shelter. Every year we host a Greek wide service trip to the Dominican Republic to build a house. This trip is an amazing opportunity to meet other Greeks, travel abroad and serve those in need.

The Greek community truly comes together at our social events. This year's events included a live concert by the John King Band and a senior mixer for all of the graduating Greek students. Our two main events serve both a social and philanthropic purpose. In the fall we host the Student Memorial 5K to raise money for the Student Memorial Chapel.  The Clemson University Student Memorial Chapel and Garden is a proposed on-campus building where students of all faiths can come to pray, meditate and remember students who have passed away before their expected graduation date. We host a 5K run and walk on campus and have a celebration of life in the quad afterwards with food, drinks and a live band. 

Every spring we host Greek Week. Did your high school have a spirit week? Greek Week is very similar. Greek Week is series of weeklong events including a kickball tournament, trivia night, karaoke night, field day and dance competition. Teams are made up of organizations from all three councils to promote Greek unity and allow members to get to know one another. This past year the week was Olympic themed, and our chosen charity was the Special Olympics. We raised awareness of mental and physical disabilities here on Clemson’s campus by partnering with the ClemsonLife program. We also raised over $4000 for the Special Olympics through a change war competition. Greek Week is the best week of the year because the entire Greek community comes together to battle it out for the gold!

Go Greek and Go Tigers!

2014 Greek Programming Board

While in the Dominican Republic on the Greek wide service trip members did more than just build a house, they also got to play with the children in the community. 

Greek Week team Swimming celebrate their win in kickball.

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