Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Guest Blog: Order of Omega

My name is Ali and I am the Vice President of Public Relations for Order of Omega.  You’re probably wondering, what in the world is Order of Omega? You may have been in an honor society at your high school (i.e. National Honor Society, NEHS, NHHS, etc. etc.). If so, then you already know what Order of Omega is. Just as your high school society makes up a small percentage of greatness within it, so does Order of Omega make up a small percentage of the greatness within the Greek community.  We are a premier leadership honor society that represents the top 3% of Greeks.  We are typically juniors and seniors, but we are students who have exemplified scholarship, leadership, involvement, service and a passion for Greek life and our local community. If you decide to go Greek, you should also make the decision to strive for greatness in your time at Clemson and Order of Omega is one of the ways we can recognize that.  We hope to see you in our society in a couple years, but until then keep striving for greatness! 

Order of Omega gets to put on some awesome events throughout the year from awards banquets to competitions to charity events for the community.  We get the distinct honor of recognizing individuals in the Greek community who are changing the world (or our community) through a program called Greek of the Month each month.  Our mentoring program pairs struggling underclassmen with a great upperclassman role model to help with academics and whatever else they need. 

All in all, Order of Omega is so much more than an honor society.  It is an opportunity to not only honor the current excellence at Clemson, but to be a part of the continuing excellence at Clemson through leadership, scholarship, involvement, service, and above all, a passion for our university and the Greek community.

2014 Order of Omega Executive Board

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